QEF Project – Learning STEM Through 3D Virtual Fashion Design
The workshop is developed to let youngsters know about this new trend in the fashion industry and experience how the latest technology brings in a new way of designing fashion.
3D Technology for Fashion Creation_June 2019
This 42-hour course provides students with the basic knowledge and skills in applying 3D CAD software for fashion creation. Through this course, students can learn application of 3D CAD for fashion, 3D operating environment, virtual garment simulation, 3D design features and fitting on virtual mannequin. This course is a registered public training course under RTTP, the approved training grant for each eligible trainee is up toHK$5,133. More details: https://rttp.vtc.edu.hk/en/home Programme details please refer to https://www.cita.org.hk/en/course/3d-technology-for-fashion-creation/ [...]
CITA Sewing Competition 2019 (Winner announcement)
The winner: Liu Po Wah The second place: Chung Lai Tung The third place : Li Wing Hung Best Popularity Award (cushion cover): Chan Suk Yee
【A Snapshot of Learn to Make Pattern in 3 Days】
Interview Snapshot: Course detail:Click Here!
3D Technology for Fashion Creation
This course is a registered public training course under RTTP, the approved training grant for each eligible trainee is up toHK$5,133. More details: https://rttp.vtc.edu.hk/en/home