A. 報讀課程 COURSE APPLIED FOR Programme Course Name Start Date Apply FCT & FPD Sewing Practice APP5 2024-11-23 (Sat) FCT & FPD Sewing Project APP6 2024-11-22 (Fri) FCT & FPD Apparel Trimmings APP7 2024-11-23 (Sat) FPD only Principles of Fashion Design FDE2 2024-11-26 (Tue) FCT only Pattern Design II – Ladies' Tops PAT3 2024-11-29 (Fri) FCT & FPD 3D Modelling and Technical Fashion Design PAT5 2024-11-28 (Thur) FCT & FPD Knowledge of Materials TEX1 2024-11-25 (Mon) B. 個人資料 PERSONAL PARTICULARS (* 必須與身份證相同 Must be the same as HKID) 中文姓名 Name in Chinese* 英文姓名 Name in English* 香港身份證號碼 HKID No. (英文字母跟首6位數字 Letters and first 6 digits only)* 電郵 Email* 聯絡電話號碼 Contact Phone No.* C. 重要事項 IMPORTANT NOTES 申請人如未能提供足夠資料,申請表將不獲受理。 Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested. 申請表內所提供的資料如有任何更改時,申請人須通知教學行政部。 You are required to notify Academic Administration Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided by you. 提交申請表後,申請人如欲更改或查詢個人資料,請發傳真或電郵至教學行政部 ( 傳真 : 2795 0452 電郵 : acad-adm@cita.org.hk)。 For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form, please send a fax or email to the Academic Administration Department (Fax: 2795 0452 Email: acad-adm@cita.org.hk) D. 同意使用個人資料 CONSENT ON THE USE OF PERSONAL DATA 製衣業訓練局會使用透過本表格上所獲得的個人資料,用於行政、評估、統計分析和處理登記等事宜。 The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by the Authority for the purpose of administration, evaluation, statistical analysis and management of your registration. 本人不希望貴局使用本人的個人資料(包括姓名、職稱、電話號碼、地址和電郵地址),以發放關於貴局主辦/協辦/支持的教育及培訓課程、服務、比賽、問卷調查、活動事宜之用。 I do not wish the Authority to use my personal data (including name, job title, telephone number, postal address and email address) to promote education and training programmes, services, competitions, surveys or events organised / co-organised / supported by the Authority. 以上代表 閣下目前就是否希望收到本局推廣資訊的選擇,並取代 閣下於本申請前向本局傳達的任何選擇。您可隨時電郵至 unsubscribe@cita.org.hk 取消這項接受宣傳資料服務的安排。 The above represents your present choice of whether or not to receive promotional materials from the Authority. This replaces any choice communicated by you to the Authority prior to this application. You may, at any time, choose not to receive marketing literature by emailing us at unsubscribe@cita.org.hk. E. 聲明 DECLARATION 本人聲明報名表格所載資料,依本人所知均屬真確,並無錯漏。 I declare that all information provided in this application form is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete. 本人已詳細閱讀並完全明白「報名須知」所載的條文,並明白所有詳情均以製衣業訓練局課程手冊及網頁之最更新版本為依歸。 I have read the "Application Information" (Chinese version only)" and understand the details are subject to CITA’s revisions in the prospectus and the latest updates in the website. 本人已細閱明白並同意本表格的所有條款及細則。 I have noted, understood and agreed on all terms and conditions of this form. 我同意以上聲明。 I agree with the above declaration.我不同意以上聲明。 I do not agree with the above declaration